No wonder, that for, those who leading this world of shadows, Syria is a problem.
Because our great and beloved Mr. President Dr. Bashar AL ASSAD, did not agree with the policy and plans of the axis of evil(USA, England ,France ,Zionist entity, Terrorist States of Gulf ) consisting of the three countries together with their Israeli boss, serving, selling land and droop applied to those who rule the world. Syria is free of any commitment to the World Bank.
So, the axis of evil, consisting of the three countries , a sort of yours slavery, servitude, which among of them are criminals and terrorists, that your countries hosting them and use them for just cause to interfere in the internal affairs of Syria, which the leaders of the axis of evil consider our great and beloved Mr. President Dr. Bashar AL ASSAD, a dictator .
We love our Great Mr. President Dr. Bashar AL ASSAD.
Only the Syrians people want to live in quiet, stability, and peace under the command of our great beloved Mr. President Dr. Bashar AL ASSAD.
We are the Syrian people; wish that, the axis of evil leaders to leave us in peace with and under our Great beloved Mr. President Dr. Bashar AL ASSAD.
We want to continue our project of modernization and development of our country.
Nu e de mirare ca pentru cei ce conduc lumea asta din umbra, Siria este o problema.
Presedintele AL ASSAD nu a fost de acord cu politica si cu planurile axei raului(celor 3 tari U.S.A , Franta and Anglia) impreuna cu seful lor Israeli , de servire , de a vinde tara si de apleca capul aplicate de cei ce conduc lumea.
Siria este libera de orice angajament fata de Banca Mondiala.
Deci e dictator.
Siria este o tara
asta-i adevarul despre Iubita noastra tara Siria .
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